• 20 de Junio de 2022


The first Ibiza Inclusion Awards solidarity gala was held on 18 June and we were lucky enough to be a sponsor of this great event and above all to meet some wonderful people who made the day an unforgettable experience.

This event has awarded recognised faces for defending the social, educational and labour inclusion of people with functional diversity as well as the most vulnerable groups.

María Isabel Díaz was the presenter of this gala and awarded the most well-known national personalities, such as the actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre, the journalist, writer and psychologist Irene Villa or the filmmaker David Marqués, among others.

Alongside them were the Escola d'Art d'Eivissa, which won the 'Social Commitment Award'; Belén Motilla, founder of the Amseld Association and Wonder Tourism, Mireia Mendoza, model with Usher Syndrome, and Krys Pasiecnik, model and staunch defender of the fight against bullying, who won the 'Personal Overcoming Award'; as well as the Calleja family, 'Honorary Award' of the night.

We would like to highlight the words of the Calleja family, defenders of integration: "Families with children with functional diversity live a silenced reality that needs to be made visible in order to achieve a more plural society".

At K89 we had no doubts about supporting this great initiative, but now we can say that it is one of the most beautiful things we have been able to do.

People with functional diversity spread vitality and humanity because they are WONDERFUL people!

Finally, we would like to congratulate Emma Torres and Enrique Villena, for making this event possible and above all to all the people who attended and are part of this community.

Don't forget to visit our social networks to see all the beautiful moments we lived in Ibiza Inclusion Awards.

INSTAGRAM: k89_oficial

FACEBOOK: productosk89

YOUTUBE: K89 oficial

PINTEREST: K89 Profesional

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